Uncover the intriguing journey of Oliver, the inventive mind behind Death by Audio, as he details his path from curious tinkerer to creator of outlandish audio effects pedals. With no formal training in electrical or mechanical engineering, Oliver’s story is one of tenacity, self-education, and a burning desire to produce something extraordinary for the world of music. Discover how he taught himself soldering, mastered complex concepts through library books, and transformed a hobby into a thriving business.
The tale gets even more riveting as we delve into the evolution of Death by Audio pedals. Hear how a simple need to fund a trip morphed into taking on custom jobs, expanding his knowledge in electrical engineering, and ultimately creating a brand renowned for its unique and experimental audio effects. Oliver opens up about his creative process, the influences that shape his work, and the sheer thrill of crafting something from scratch that empowers musicians worldwide. Get ready for an inspiring conversation that brings you closer to the mind behind the mayhem!
You can see the show notes here!